Behavior and Responsibilities
- ​Please be respectful of other students and staff using the media center
- You are responsible for your personal items
- Computers are for school work only
- Food and drinks are not allowed in the media center
- All other applicable school rules will be in effect in the Media Center.
- Students may borrow up to 3 items at a time (2 graphic novels). Keep them for two weeks. Use Destiny to renew books and to find out what you have checked out.
- Destiny is our library catalog. Use Destiny to find print books, audiobooks, and even more ebooks! Login: StudentID# (numbers only) and Network Password
- SORA has our most popular ebooks and audiobooks. Login: and Network Password.
Computer Accounts
- Users are responsible for their accounts and must keep passwords strictly confidential
- Users are prohibited from sharing accounts and passwords
- Any violations that can be traced to an individual account name will be treated as the responsibility of the account owner
- Users must log off all systems before leaving a computer or workstation or allowing others to use it
Computer Code of Conduct
- Students should treat MCPS electronic property respectfully
- Using language, pictures, or other material that is obscene, vulgar, abusive, or otherwise harmful to students is prohibited
- All use of computer facilities, networks, and other technology resources must be for educational purposes
- MCPS Regulation IGT-RA
- User Responsibilities for Computer Systems,
- Electronic Information, and Network Security