Reliable fact finding websites
Adapted from Common Sense Media. (2017, November 02). Help Students Fact-Check the Web Like the Pros. Retrieved November 28, 2017, from
Skills and Strategies | Fake News vs. Real News: Determining the Reliability of Sources
Update: Please also see our new, 2017 lesson, Evaluating Sources in a 'Post-Truth' World: Ideas for Teaching and Learning About Fake News _________ How do you know if something you read is true? Why should you care? We pose these questions this week in honor of News Engagement Day on Oct.
In an era of fake news, students must act like journalists
When students sign up for oceanography at San Pasqual High School in Escondido, Calif., many can't wait to discuss mermaids and monster sharks. They are quickly chagrined to learn that neither actually exists. "People come in with hard-core misconceptions that come right off the internet or TV," says teacher Dan Perreault.