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GMS Counseling: SSL Opportunities

Please find information regarding Free and Reduced Meal Plans

Reminder: All SSL forms for service completed after June 1, 2022, should be submitted to the school’s SSL coordinator by the recommended due dates of September 23, 2022, and January 6, 2022, but no later than the required deadline of June 2, 2023.

If you have any questions about the SSL program during the summer, please email the MCPS SSL office at

If you have any questions about the SSL program during the school year, please email your school’s SSL coordinator.

Want to learn more? See this presentation detailing the state of Maryland and MCPS requirements for SSL, how students can earn SSL hours, how students can access virtual/remote opportunities, and an overview of the MCPS SSL program and its resources.

Nonprofit-Hosted SSL Opportunities
MCPS SSL organizations and opportunities are tagged with the blue MCPS SSL banner and graduation cap icon on the Montgomery County Volunteer Center (MCVC) website.
All opportunities (including in-person):
Virtual/remote opportunities:
For additional tips on how to search for opportunities, please go to  
MCPS Form 560-50: Individual SSL Request Form
Used to obtain pre-approval prior to service with a nonprofit organization not listed on the Montgomery County Volunteer Center (MCVC).
To request pre-approval for service, please complete -- for in-person service, submit this form to your school’s SSL coordinator; for virtual/remote service, submit this form to
MCPS Form 560-51: SSL Activity Verification Form
Used to verify and document SSL hours after service is completed
Student and supervisor must complete the form
SSL Activity Verification Forms ( for service completed should be turned into your school’s SSL coordinator.
(All SSL forms for service completed during the summer of 2022 should be submitted to your school’s SSL coordinator by the recommended due date of Friday, September 23, 2022, but no later than the required deadline of June 2, 2023.)  
Student SSL Records on Student/ParentVUE
Step-by-step directions for viewing a student’s full SSL record
Step-by-step directions may be found at
MCPS SSL Program Overview
Complete overview of SSL requirements, guidelines, process, awards, and forms
MCPS SSL Program Overview may be found at
MCPS SSL Guidelines for Virtual/Remote Service
Virtual/remote guidelines will remain in place moving forward
Review the Guidelines for Virtual/Remote Service at
MCPS SSL Hub for Students
SSL forms, translated resources, SSL guidelines, and more important information
View the SSL forms, resources, and guidelines at


Systemwide Documentation and Award Timelines



Time Frame of Service

Documentation Due Date

Service completed during the summer

September 29, 2023

Service completed during the summer and 1st semester

January 5, 2024

Service completed during the summer, 1st semester, and 2nd semester

May 31, 2024*

**All SSL Forms for service completed after June 1, 2023, through the end of the 22023-2024 school year, are REQUIRED to be submitted to the school SSL Coordinator no later than May 31, 2024




Documentation Due Date

Documentation that qualifies seniors for Certificates of   Meritorious Service

April 5, 2024*

wDocumentation that qualifies middle school students for the Superintendent’s SSL Award. This award is given to students who meet the 75 hour graduation requirement during middle school and is only awarded once.

April 5, 2024*